the only way more enemies spawns in stealth is if you have 4 'uncool' or dead guards. The higher it is, the more guards there are patrolling areas that may not have a guard on a lower difficulty. Payday 2 Hoxtons Rache One Down Solo Stealth German controller skills: 1 point in forced friendship 1 point. skills lets start with mastermind skill tree. this is part of the clover character pack. skills perks perk deck the perk deck is burglar. this build has enough survivability to carry you through the hardest levels. In this guide, i showcase a stealth build.
after that i sneak around the dock side and loot the outdoor shipping. after that run the roof and loot the third floor. buy thermite to get into the sewers to make it a lot easier to loot the second floor. once you learn the guard habits and typically loot spawn locations its a very easy and fun mission. New aswell, been having a bit off success running the shadow raid mission on solo stealth. all the heists i complete will most likely be on the. this guide will be equipped with text, pictures and of course video, so you can easily follow along and get a clear understanding on what you need to do. This is a work in progress guide which will show you and hopefully teach you how to solo stealth the majoirty of the heists in payday 2. Hey heisters!in this series i am going to show to you how do i stealth the stealthables maps on payday 2!keep in mind that i am not going to do some strange.